As also stated in Stem Cell Facts’ article, the cons of stem cell research include the fears of what could come of such knowledge and the moral implications of using the stem cells. Ignorant, Christian, pro-life activists fear that this practice is in a way “trying to play God,” and that humans should not be messing with human life Pros And Cons Of Stem Cell Research. “It makes you select between two moral principles: you should respect the value of human life; or you should do something to alleviate suffering.”-Pros and Cons of Stem Cell Research Stem cells are a type of cell that has the ability to change into any type of specific cell that is needed. These cells are essential in research regarding Stem cell research brings a lot of controversy because of the wide range of ways stem cells can be used in research. There are those who support and oppose stem cell research. Stem cell research is currently used to cure cell mutations that could lead to cancers; however, this research could potentially lead to dangerous, unethical experimentation
Stem Cell Research: Some Pros and Cons - Words | Essay Example
Stem cell research is a relatively new technology that involves the development of stem cell research pros and cons essay human stem cell research pros and cons essay into any of the varieties of cells in the human body. Most researchers have coined the idea of stem cell research to be beneficial in the treatment of various serious diseases. Despite being claimed as the next big thing in the field of medicine, and forming the basis of the promising fields of human cloning and genetic engineering, stem cell research has been coupled to a controversial debate for the past 10 stem cell research pros and cons essay Belva, The primary source of stem cells is the embryos or the adult tissue.
Typically, stem cells or embryonic cells have a remarkable feature of developing into numerous different cells in the body. Stem cells function as a group of cells that repair damaged organs or parts of the body by further dividing numerous as long as the person or animal is alive. Another set of cells known as similar to embryonic cells is the adult stem cells. They have been used in research for a longer time compared to embryonic stem cells. This means that the human trial of these stem cells is in its advanced stage. Stem cell research is controversial not because of its goals, but rather because of the means of obtaining some of the cells. However, research involving most types of stem cells, such as those derived from adult tissues and umbilical cord blood, is uncontroversial, except when its effectiveness as an alternative to embryonic stem cells is debated.
The heart of the debate centers around embryonic stem cells, which makes it possible to develop medical treatments and cures, but at the same time leads to the destruction of an embryo. Cloning is such a method involving the production of embryos for research which is also surrounded by a relative similar argument as stem cell research Vettiducci, The pros of stem cell research all center around the use of adult stem cells, neural stem cells, and cord blood stem cells. However, the key reason is the lack of any standard moral or ethical question regarding the use of stem cells. It is agreed among scientists that the use of these types of stem cells can only lead to progress and potential medical discoveries that will benefit human beings to live longer as well as have healthier lives.
There is the possibility of replacing damaged or impaired organs and prolonging their lives if researchers understand how these cells differentiate. There is a controversial debate by bioethics committees whether to create excess embryos and destroy them during research. Another common pro of stem cells is that they have much lower incidences of rejection and for the embryonic cells, they are the youngest stem cells available for use in the treatment of many diseases. The cons stem cell research pros and cons essay stem cell research mostly refer to issues with embryonic stem cell research.
People who are opposed to the use of stem cells are also opposed to using embryonic stem cells. In addition, it has also been claimed that embryos have souls that should not be destroyed or murdered. Many questions have been raised concerning the use of embryonic cells. Many people argue that by using such cells, human life is lost or a human is being murdered. To use these cells for research, stem cell research pros and cons essay, the embryos must be destroyed, and some people feel that this is an ethical issue. Currently, scientists did not use embryos conceived in the womb but rather eggs were fertilized in the laboratory setting National Research Council, Institute of Medicine, National Academies, Many pro-lifers believe that human life begins after fertilization of an ovum and spermatozoon.
Killing an embryo to extract its stem cell has been coined as homicide and they are generally opposed to such research. Other people argue that an embryo has the right and potential to develop into a person. Others however disagree. They base them argue that the embryo is not yet a human being although it contains full potential as a person. Since an embryo is a sentiment, with no feeling, or ability to think and know what is happening, stem cell research pros and cons essay, it can be used as a donor of stem cells. They argue that research using stem cells derived from embryos is ethical. Researchers in this upcoming field, tend to think of the likelihood of stem cells as having an unlimited number of applications in the treatment of various diseases.
This is because it has been speculated that, stem cells will shortly be used as the most efficient cure for various diseases such as diabetes, heart attack, blindness, spinal cord, and many other health problems globally. Further, the field of stem cell research is quite promising, and active trials of several therapies have already kicked on. It is worth knowing the difference between the pharmaceutical drug and stem cell therapy in that, the pharmaceutical drug takes 15 years in the stem cell research pros and cons essay before it is released whereas the stem cell takes about 15 days. Joshua,stem cell research pros and cons essay, p. In my opinion, people should embrace the new technology that provides an opportunity to study the growth and differentiation of individual cells into tissues.
Understanding these processes could provide insight into the causes of birth defects, genetic abnormalities, among other state diseases. Stem stem cell research pros and cons essay could be used to produce large amounts of one cell type to test upcoming drugs for effectiveness and chemical toxicity. In addition, stem cell research pros and cons essay, stem cells can be transplanted into the body to treat several diseases or repair a damaged organ in the body Scientists Prepare To Clone a Human; Experiment Aims to Help Infertile, The normal development of the stem cells needs to be understood to correct these conditions effectively.
Challenging regulatory decisions are required on the individually created tissue-based therapies resulting from such treatment. The potential benefits may be felt after several years of research. Stem cell research has generated a lot of interest as many institutions offer grants to research based on stem cell development. Joshua, L. Experimental Genetics and Human Evolution. The American Naturalist, Letter from Members of the House of Representatives; Letter from 58 Senators. National Research Council, stem cell research pros and cons essay, Institute of Medicine, National Academies, Stem Cells and the Future of Regenerative Medicine Washington: National Academies. Scientists Prepare To Clone a Human; Experiment Aims to Help Infertile.
Washington Post Vettiducci, LA. Perspectives on stem cells research. New York: Nova Science Publishers. Table of Contents. Introduction Pros and cons What are the pros? What are the cons? Weighing the pros and cons References. Atom and Its Nucleus in Everyday Life. The Scientific Method in Crime: Review. Viral Risks in Xenotransplantation Xenotransplantation is a scientific method that entails the transfer of organs into humans from a non-animal human source which may Words: Green Chemistry: Rapid Quantitative Analytical Tool for Characterizing the Preparation of Biodiesel A brand new qualitative method of producing biodiesel has been introduced. The Scientific Method: Importance and Limitations Introduction The Scientific Method refers to the collection of data using experimentation and observation after which the collected information is Green Chemistry: The Enhanced Dissolution of ß -Cyclodextrin in Some Hydrophilic Ionic Liquids Cyclodextrins CDs are carbonhydrates, isolated from starch by fermentation, stem cell research pros and cons essay.
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Routine projections on the Green Chemistry: Modification of Coal as a Fuel for the Direct Carbon Fuel Cell Coal, being the most economic world resource, is the first to be consumed by it. By its consumption is Green Chemistry: Potential of Nano-ZnS as Electrocatalyst Cyclodextrins CDs are carbonhydrates, isolated from starch by fermentation. Chemicals Used for Microbial Preservation of Food Introduction Food preservation is a process by which foodstuffs are kept in a way that prevents them from getting spoilt Technology and the Cyber Security Impact Security is one of the life essentials of any human being; even though being completely safe is practically impossible, one
Stem cell research pros and cons
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Pros And Cons Of Stem Cell Research. “It makes you select between two moral principles: you should respect the value of human life; or you should do something to alleviate suffering.”-Pros and Cons of Stem Cell Research Stem cells are a type of cell that has the ability to change into any type of specific cell that is needed. These cells are essential in research regarding As also stated in Stem Cell Facts’ article, the cons of stem cell research include the fears of what could come of such knowledge and the moral implications of using the stem cells. Ignorant, Christian, pro-life activists fear that this practice is in a way “trying to play God,” and that humans should not be messing with human life Pros and cons. Stem cell research is controversial not because of its goals, but rather because of the means of obtaining some of the cells. However, research involving most types of stem cells, such as those derived from adult tissues and umbilical cord blood, is uncontroversial, except when its effectiveness as an alternative to embryonic stem cells is debated
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